
Helper CSS Light npm version

Common CSS helper classes.


Install with Npm or Bower


To install with npm run

$ npm install helper-css-light --save


Include css/helper-css.min.css style in your page and start using css helper classes.

CSS Helper Classes

CSS helper classes: Alignments, Display, Text Aling, Margins, Paddings, Border Radius, Rotates

CSS Helpers for margin and Padding

All margin and padding have properties for distances 0, .25rem(-1), .5rem(-2), 1rem(-3), 1.5rem(-4), 3rem(*-5).

Margin classes starts with m-, padding classes starts p-.

Following is the number that represents space in pixels and (optional) direction. Direction can be t, l, r and b.


Margins(m) and Paddings(p) BY BOOTSTRAP


Where size is one of:

auto - for classes that set the margin to auto

for example($space = 1rem by default)

and variants md: m*-md-* ….


and variants md: p*-md-* ….

CSS Helpers for Text

Text CSS Helpers contain set of text styling classes for text display and size.

Text Alignment Responsive


Text Alignment

Text Weight and italics

Text Transform

Text Size

and variants

CSS Helpers for Border Radius

Border Radius

CSS Helpers for Rotates


As any other classes, helper classes can be combined together.

Usage example:

For given div element:

<div class="m-all-20 text-center p-t-10 fs-2x-sm">